Monday, May 22, 2006

Who Would You Like to Sue Today?

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"More I think about it, ol' Billy was right,
Let's kill all the laywers, let's kill 'em tonight"
I have some....interesting neighbors.
That's the short version of it.
My upstairs neighbor recently pounded on my
door at nearly 11: 00 at night.
Fearing some emrgency, I opened,
and it was indeed a huge problem.
"I just got back from my doctor,
and it's horrible! Terrible!"
Thinking that some terrible diagnosis
had been handed to her, I inquired as to the trouble.
"He looked at my new MRI, and I'm getting BETTER!"
"Who am I gonna sue now?"
She's had some back issues, resulting from a
questionable work injury, and they've gotten
better. And she's.....pissed?
Yep, if she's getting better, she can't sue her
former employers, and she can't get disability, either.
Her lawsuits against everyone under the sun
for her various problems apparently are her
only reason to exist.
What is wrong with this world?
If I had a severely disabling condition,
and a new MRI showed some improvement,
personally I'd be thrilled.
Not her, she's mad because the possibility of a free ride
is shot to hell by her getting better.
She's all kinds of mad because she....
might have to go out and get a goddamn job.
I work 80+ fucking hours a week, bitch.
Get used to life.
A buddy of mine in California is trying to sue
the disability people for "dropping him".
He was in a car accident.
They say he's not completely disabled,
hence their cutting him off. Their view is that
he needs to get off his arse and get a job, and
maybe lose a hundred pounds.
They're predicting rosy health if he does that.
But he's trying to sue, the state, disability, his former employers,
the company he tried to get a job from, but he's not suing the GUY
He's looking for a big payday, so he can sit on his arse and do nothing
for the rest of his natural days.

Now, certain (REPUBLICAN SCUM) lawmakers are trying to institute
reforms, and in some ways, I agree.
People like the ones I've mentioned have no business suing anyone.
Nor does a stupid bitch that puts a cup of burning hot coffee in her crotch while driving.
But these (CORRUPT DIRTBAGS) lawmakers don't want to end just
frivolous lawsuits, they want to end liability for any big company.
So you can make a lethal product that kills or disfigures people,
and they have no recourse for their misery.
Methinks a happy medium must be sought.
We have companies being put to major troubles
because of these idiots.
I purchased a product awhile back.
It told me to use caution as it might be flammable.
Better be careful, then, right?
Only trouble is,
It had damn well BETTER be flammable!!!
'Cause if it ain't?
I'm suing someone.


Blogger SteveTP said...

Yeah, the American legal system boggles the mind. I don't know what it is with Canada (outside of car accident/sue the insurance company deals) and our signifigant lack of frivolous lawsuits. I'm not well versed enough in Canadian Law to make a valid statement, but it seems as though there's some sort of "anti-free ride" checksum in place. I've often heard of people who bring lawsuits deemed frivolous or without basis being sued by the courts for "wasting their goddamn time" or some such, but *shrug* i just don't know. At any rate, free-riders piss me off to no end. Whether it's lawsuits, or petitioning government for payouts. Fuckers - i work for my dime.

11:15 AM  

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