Monday, February 06, 2006

Bloody tired of hatred and stupidity

It's no secret to anyone who knows me, I'm NOT happy with the way this country keeps shifting further to the right.
I don't like bigotry, intolerance and hatred.
Seems any event, place or what have you that the extreme right doesn't like here, they're picketing, calling names, threatening people with damnation, etc.
I had a protestor once tell me I was going to hell for feeding a baby killer.
I pointed out that
a.) I was required by my job to deliver the pizzas wherever they were ordered from,
b.) a woman's right to choose was protected by law, and
c.) I was reasonably certain that Dr. Emmet J. Hornsby, Opthamologist, hadn't killed any babies that I knew of, and I really didn't think I should assume he had unless I had some evidence.
Plus, he tipped pretty good.

Regardless of my rational train of thought, this nitwit informed me I was still going to burn in hell.
For delivering pizza to an eye doctor?
(if anyone knows WHERE in the Bible that's considered a certain trip to damnation, please inform me. I am curious about stuff like that.)
In other words, this idiot assumed anyone going near the same bulding where doctors performed abortions was equally deserving of his hate, agression, and who knows, a bullet in the head, as this was right around the time several abortion doctors had been shot.
If anything, it's gotten worse here.
We now have people on our Supreme Court who think like that.
Our pResident thinks like that.
A majority of Congress thinks like that.
I beleive I'll see more of this stupidity every day.
Spooky shit, no?
Maybe it's time to start planning for a new address to move the Castle to....perhaps further north?

More on that later, I'm still making fun of Seahawk fans right now.


Blogger jgodsey said...

yep....things are really starting to suck...if this keeps going..i'm gonna have to learn how to cook and make babies!
i just tell em there's so MANY other things i am going to hell for....

2:29 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

Yo, Dunny. You had me in complete agreement until this:

In other words, this idiot assumed anyone going near the same bulding where doctors performed abortions was equally deserving of his hate, agression, and who knows, a bullet in the head, as this was right around the time several abortion doctors had been shot.
If anything, it's gotten worse here.
We now have people on our Supreme Court who think like that.
Our pResident thinks like that.

That's kind of a stretch, no? Is anyone who's pro-life automatically an advocate for murdering doctors? Somehow, I doubt it, man. ;)

9:10 AM  
Blogger Dunnyman's Castle said...

True, I was being blunt to make a point, and perhaps not accurately, but those in power have a LOT more in common with the whackos than they do with me. AND they've made it quite clear that they will shred the Constitution to give them what they want.
That's the spooky part.

10:53 AM  
Blogger Smokestack Jones said...

Hey Dunny,

I hear ya man. Delivering pizza will send you to hell? C'mon people!

Then again, there are certain pizza chains where that would be fit and just punishment.

But never the drivers.

11. Thou shall not kill the bearer of thy message nor kill thy delivery person of crappy pizza.


6:08 AM  

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