Friday, January 27, 2006

Why kant Jonny speell gud?

If you'll note, I link to several other Blogs.
Read them, and notice something; they are all articulate, and they can actually spell the language they're using.
Why has the Internet brought us a generation of retards that can't spell?
Here's a sampling from a typical sports message board:
Oh, me, oh, my, wherever do we begin?
I suppose "LOOSER" is as good as any.
The word you are attempting to use, my inarticulate and possibly neanderthal friends, is LOSER.
There is only ONE O in it. Loose is a completely different word than lose. Looser isn't a word to describe fans of a certain team. (That would be spelled S-E-A-H-A-W-K-S F-A-N-S for those curious about such matters)
Moving on to YOU'RE.
Used correctly, it is YOU ARE, as in "You ARE an incoherent moron". For the usage you ARE attempting, it should be YOUR, as in, "Please cease YOUR mangling of the English language".
Whinging? There are apparently a number of dolts who think this is the correct spelling of whining.
Sad, no?
Then my favorite, the usage of YOU, when they are attempting to use YOUR.
"Send you files to this e-mail address:"
Can they not spell this?
Or are they too damn lazy to type that extra letter?
I'm going to place the blame, not on the internet, but on the parents.
My mother and father were extremely well spoken, having mastered the tongue that their parents spoke. They went through school and learned how to speak, write, and otherwise express themselves in a clear, and coherent manner. Most of today's parents were part of the 70's and 80's when "Hey, dude, let's party!" was considered a superb bit of dialogue. They also had piss poor schooling by babysitters instead of teachers. Then they added massive drug and alcohol abuse to the mix, and gee, their kids are complete retards. I'm from the same time period, and yet, I too, am able to express myself in a manner that others can understand.
Why is this?
Because my parents gave a shit about my education.
When the teachers dropped the ball, they didn't.
When I misspoke, I got a warning first, and a smack if I continued to incorrectly use the language.
Harsh, to some, but it works.
I know there are those who say, "Oh, it's only the internet, it's not a big deal."
It is a big deal.
I got an e-mail from the CEO of one of my clients.
It was filled with the most wretched examples of writing, spelling and grammar that you could find.
This man is 45.
I could express myself better at 8.
How dumb are HIS kids?
How dumb will THEIR kids be?
"Look! Bonk make FIRE!"?
Or perhaps another generation or two down the line?
"Urrghh. Uggh. Huuuhhh."
That will be part of the valedictorian's speech at Stanford, Class of 2056.


Blogger jgodsey said...

i feel your paint. everywheres i go on the net, i read such not good english. it's like nobody taught them nothing.

2:33 PM  
Blogger SteveTP said...

You know - my problems lie not with the language - but my goddamn inability to proof anything before i hit that ole submit/blogthis/whatever button.
I was actually DAMN good at writing ans spelling back in the day - as my 98% average in High School English can attest (and we're talking Canadian Roman Catholic schooling! Not sissy American public schooling)No it ain't quite a Degree or anything - but it's gotta count for something. Then along came the computron and the keyboardamaboogie. My once elegant handwriting has turned to allcaps chicken scratches - and i've a terrible case of keyboard dyslexia.

3:10 PM  
Blogger Smokestack Jones said...

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8:25 PM  
Blogger Smokestack Jones said...

Hey Steve,

Yup, I hear ya. If you notice my posts on DVD Verdict and other places you'll probably notice at the bottom where it has been updated. Nine times out of ten it's for spelling. I can't stand it when I have a typo and don't (or can't) correct it. That was mostly self-taught and a desire not to look like an idiot on the internet, at least.

It's sad that most of the leetspeak out there started as typos that folks perpetuated until it became "cool" to misspell.

Another step backwards for language as we know it...


8:26 PM  

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