My Typical Customer

Note: This is at the part time gig, the place with blue and gold for colors that rents movies.
The above pictured individual is a fairly accurate composite of
the average putz who wanders in my door.
Now, working there, one might assume I have some film knowledge,
and I do. Add in my long time fascination with flicks, and whole
boatloads of info gained via the brainy and well informed folks
over at DVD Verdict, and yeah, I've got pretty good info at my
Now if some the nimrods who wander in could actually frame an
intelligent question about film, I'd be thrilled.
The "Where is such and such flick?" questions are fine, they don't know exactly where
it might be, and under what category, so ask the guy at the counter.
"What do you recommend if I want a good comedy?" is not too bad,
but if they tell me their favorite comedy is American Pie, I'm not going to
tell them about GOOD films, just the current retarded comedy hit,
(for those who wish to know, it's The Ringer or Grandma's Boy), no sense wasting
a great flick like Snatch on them.
The epitome of stupidity is the "huh?" customer as I call them.
They're not stuck for where a title might be, they're not curious as to if an
unknown flick might be any good, their problem is theiy're not sure which door
they're supposed to open to get out of the house in the morning.
"Hey, do you have "Snakes On A Plane?"
"Well, no sir, that film isn't due to be released until 4th of the July week, generally, we don't get films BEFORE
they hit the theater."
"Oh, OK, do you have The DaVinci Code?"
"Um, no, it's currently IN theaters, they'd really take a hit on
ticket sales if you could rent it here instead."
"Oh, no problem, let me get X-Men 3 then."
"By any chance are your mother and father brother and sister as well?"
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