Mini-review of "Hoodwinked"

Saw this with my best friend on Saturday.
The gist is that when Red Riding Hood wanders into Grandma's cottage, she discovers the Big Bad Wolf dressed as Grandma, and a woodsman smashes into the house to save the day...or does he?
The police arrest EVERYONE on the scene and Chief Grizzly wants to lock them all up, but the suave Mr. Flippers wants to investigate further.
It seems the recipes that fuel the various goody shops all over the forrest are being stolen, but by whom?
Is Red more than just a cute little girl, is there something she's hiding?
Is the Big Bad Wolf really innocent, and what does he have to hide?
Is sweet little old Grandma more than what she seems?
And just WHO is the musclebound woodsman, and why did he crash in the house at the right time?
The answers involve a hitsquad of skiiers, a cute lil' bunny rabbit, some wild stunts, and a truly heinous plot to control the goody market.
It is a LOT of fun, very silly and goofy, and you can take the kiddies.
The bad: The animation blows. The characters look as if they were assembled by different studios. Red is very poorly done, looking very stilted, Grandma looks like a rookie animators attempt at a Rankin Bass look, the Wolf likes a refugee from Madagascar, and the Woodsman looks like a second rate Incredible. Horrible. The background shots vary in quality as well, although watch them closely for a few jokes.
Had this been animated by Pixar, we'd be looking at a great film, instead of a pretty good one.
I give it....a B minus.
I rate films on how much of my money's worth I got out of it.
This was a solid 7.75.
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