Cartoons of Muhammad?
OK, I'm gonna revisit my stance on this:
Do any of these nutcases have a sense of humour?
I understand, really, it's offensive to your faith, fine, but setting embassies on fire?
If you have a beef with the people who did the cartoons?
I can see that.
If you have a beef with the newspaper that published them?
I see that.
Trying to bomb the embassy that is staffed with people who had nothing whatsoever to do with either the cartoon or the publishing of it?
OK, you're officially on the train to crazy land.
To his credit, Pat Robertson has never burned down a building over an unflattering depiction of Jesus or God.
Nasty letters and the preaching of damnation, sure, burning buildings, no.
When the actions of hard core fundamentalists make HIM look rational and sane?
Yep, you're nuts.
(Pat, if you happen to be reading this, do not take this as a sign that God wants you to firebomb anyone, anywhere, OK?)
NOW, having said my little bit there, apparently ANY depiction of Muhammad is a sin in Islam.
I'm OK with that, I respect their faith.
Then again.....

What's so offensive about a depiction of Muhammad?
I don't think the Champ would mind, would he?
He certainly merchandised himself well enough over the years, didn't he?
Jeez, people, lighten up....
btw, follow the link to T-shirt Hell over on the sidebar there if you like the shirt, they've several others.....
Do any of these nutcases have a sense of humour?
I understand, really, it's offensive to your faith, fine, but setting embassies on fire?
If you have a beef with the people who did the cartoons?
I can see that.
If you have a beef with the newspaper that published them?
I see that.
Trying to bomb the embassy that is staffed with people who had nothing whatsoever to do with either the cartoon or the publishing of it?
OK, you're officially on the train to crazy land.
To his credit, Pat Robertson has never burned down a building over an unflattering depiction of Jesus or God.
Nasty letters and the preaching of damnation, sure, burning buildings, no.
When the actions of hard core fundamentalists make HIM look rational and sane?
Yep, you're nuts.
(Pat, if you happen to be reading this, do not take this as a sign that God wants you to firebomb anyone, anywhere, OK?)
NOW, having said my little bit there, apparently ANY depiction of Muhammad is a sin in Islam.
I'm OK with that, I respect their faith.
Then again.....

What's so offensive about a depiction of Muhammad?
I don't think the Champ would mind, would he?
He certainly merchandised himself well enough over the years, didn't he?
Jeez, people, lighten up....
btw, follow the link to T-shirt Hell over on the sidebar there if you like the shirt, they've several others.....
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don't these peopel have freakin jobs?
what are they all doing out in the streets during the day anyway?
The muslim world confuses me... it's like another flippin' planet or alternate plane of reality - i gave up after 2001...
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