Why is this man STILL getting chances?

After numerous incidents, running back Ricky Williams has been suspended for a full year from the NFL.
'Cause Ricky just can't keep away from pot.
He just loves to get wasted.
So much that he'll lose roughly 8.5 million dollars this year in salary.
He's been suspended before, been disciplined.
Did it do any good?
Still a pothead.
I'm not going to judge except on this basis:
So Ricky got suspended, and he'll lose 8.5 million.
Well, sort of.
In an effort to boost their ticket sales, the Toronto Argonauts of the CFL
signed him up. Roughly 300,000 dollars US for his services.
God only knows how much he'll make in endorsements and merchandise.
Hmmmm....I used to look at the CFL as a place of class, but they've just thrown that out the window.
"Got a lawbreaker that can run like a motherfucker that does drugs? We'll sign him up!!!
We're cheap whores that'd sign Bin Laden if he could play the game!"
I hope Toronto loses every single game this year.
I also hope some enterprising linebacker shatters his leg so
bad he'll never walk straight, let alone PLAY the game ever again.
It's what he deserves, obscurity and poverty, because this pile of garbage
can't play by the rules. He is gifted by nature with a body of incredible skill, but he just CAN'T stay away from drugs.
What a loser.
Hey now, Weed ain't that bad - at least it's not smack!
As for the CFL pickin him up, haven't you heard? Weed laws are a non-issue in good ole Canuckistahn - In my teenage years i smoked up with a CID officer many a time (when he was off duty).
These days, well, i'm too old for that sort of trip.
Hey, I'm not slamming weed itself, I'm just saying that here's a guy who has shown he can't follow the rules in the NFL, and that he's an unreliable bum, and despite being thrown out of the NFL, the CFL welcomes him with open arms. Let's see, if I was thrown out of my employment here for being a known addict, would a Canadian company welcome me?
I guess if I could sell tickets, they would.
I'm not saying weed is evil, but here's a great example for Canadian kids to see that staying wasted your whole life will reward you greatly.
The CFL has signed some losers before, but signing this guy just says "Losers, come north!!! Make our country as shitty as the US!" I was just hoping they'd take the high road and say, "no deal, ya lousy bum!"
I can dig it. I hear where you're coming from.
Hey NFL? Got any garbage you don't want?? Like the XFL??
Just send it north like you do with the rest of the trash! :)
Steal all our softwood and water, send us your washed up douchebag athletes - sounds like a fair trade to me - at least the stampeders or the roughriders or whoever can make a few extra bucks ;)
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