Monday, February 13, 2006

I loooove a good scary book!

I'm a huge fan of good scary books.
Even since I was a little kid, I'd read the scariest stuff I could find.
Didn't matter if it gave me nightmares.
Didn't matter if I was up until 4 AM.
The scarier the better.
Now here's the trouble I have these days.
I tend to find an author, and stick with them.
Once I find someone, and like their work, I'll search out everything they've done.
Then I wait (im)patiently for their new work.
I get spooked about trying new authors.
Weirdly, it's not a money thing, I'm not worried about spending the money on a book that I don't know about.
I just HATE being disappointed by a second rate book.
So folks, I need your help!
Here's a list of some of my favorite authors and books.
If you have something you think I might like, post it!!
1)Bentley Little-He's the man, The Store, The Policy, The Resort, etc.
He builds a typical, All American tale, a nice family or people who seem to be just fine,
and then he turns it all around and drops them right into horror.
2)PN Elrod-Not quite horror, but her various vampires have all been good.
3)Phil Rickman-Bases his stuff on ancient myths, and builds some slowly creeping terror. Candlenight & December are especially good.
4)Stephen King-Not as good as he used to be, but has created some darn good tales of spookiness, Rose Red is still one of the best haunted house tales ever.
5)Simon Clark-Up and comer, The Tower is one good haunted house story, waiting to read more!
A guy who SHOULD be writing more horror-
Raymond Feist-Midkemia rocks, no two ways about it, but jeez, if you ever read his Faerie Tale, you'd know that this guy is a potential superstar in horror. Write some more, willya?

Anne Rice-maybe you have to be a chick, tried to start on her Chronicles, was bored out of my skull halfway through and gave up.
Richard Laymon-Ohhh, it's a scary place, and there's legends about it, and we get exposition up the ass,'s one crazy guy who kills people. 400 pages of buildup and supposed clues about what we're getting into, and let's get this book over with, and use the easiest plot ideas in the world to do it. Blech.

So if y'all have some ideas on authors to try, let me know!!! Give me the best possible book to start on, and I'll take it from there!


Blogger Angela Gibron said...

Nope your right. I'm a "chick" and I find Anne Rice extremely overrated. By the way Steven King's latest book "Cell" is very good. While not his scariest it's creepy and unsettling.

8:06 PM  
Blogger SteveTP said...

Only two authers have ever really succeeded in creeping me out with the written word. I've read King, Koontz, Barker - all the big names anyway, and the only two to ever genuinely get under my skin to the degree that yeah, maybe i'll just sleep with the light on tonight...

Edgar Allan Poe

and the king (in my book anyway)

Howard Phillips Lovecraft.

6:07 AM  
Blogger Mitch said...

Interview With the Vampire is quite possibly the most overrated novel ever written.

I quite enjoys me some Dan Simmons, and I think Peter Straub's Ghost Story is the best horror novel I've ever read.

12:42 PM  
Blogger Melissa said...

heart shaped box by joe hill (stephen king's son)

11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I run an online paranormal bookstore, and everything I carry is NON-FICTION. Nothing is scarier than something that is an alleged true story. Having a huge catalogue of scary books, I would definitely recommend:

The Haunted - Robert Curran
"just finished this book about a family's horrible demonic infestation, and it truly terrified me!"

Grave's End - Elaine Mercado

The Devil Called Collect - Stephen Conn,

I could go on and on....

2:48 PM  

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