Craptacular Classic of the Week! #2
Sorry for the delay in posting, real life can be a bitch at times.
This week's ....special film is the truly awful Flesh Eating Mothers.

Yep, that's the title.
It's baaaaad.
Reeeeaaaallllly bad.
However, it's so bad, it's pretty good in spots.
The plot: The small town stud who's getting pretty much all the women actually is...
aggghhh, transmitting a virus! Luckily for the flick fans, it's not just some random STD,
it's....a virus that makes women devour their children.
Yeah. Right.
On the horribly insane plot scale, I give it a solid 10.
Someone actually sold this idea.
One kid comes home to find...Mom has eaten his baby brother.
Another is let out of his room early from being punished, and Mom tells him all about how veal is made.
While giving him a glass of milk.
Then she bites his forehead.
The kids are determined to not go without a fight.
Good for them.
We get scintillating dialogue like:
"Okay, you lure her out of the house, and I'll hit her over the head with a baseball bat."
"OK, but be careful, she's still my mother."
Turns out the virus is a mutant space virus.
How do we know this?
They show it!
On a microscope!
And it's...animated.
Very poorly, I might add.
No one can act, the FX are bargain basement, the script is just wretched, and the director does not appear to have the skills neccessary to shoot a z-grade commercial, let alone a feature film.
Damnit though, it's FUN.
We're in on the joke.
The actors know it's crap.
Everyone knows it's crap.
Not a bad way to kill 90 minutes.
and it gets......
This week's ....special film is the truly awful Flesh Eating Mothers.

Yep, that's the title.
It's baaaaad.
Reeeeaaaallllly bad.
However, it's so bad, it's pretty good in spots.
The plot: The small town stud who's getting pretty much all the women actually is...
aggghhh, transmitting a virus! Luckily for the flick fans, it's not just some random STD,
it's....a virus that makes women devour their children.
Yeah. Right.
On the horribly insane plot scale, I give it a solid 10.
Someone actually sold this idea.
One kid comes home to find...Mom has eaten his baby brother.
Another is let out of his room early from being punished, and Mom tells him all about how veal is made.
While giving him a glass of milk.
Then she bites his forehead.
The kids are determined to not go without a fight.
Good for them.
We get scintillating dialogue like:
"Okay, you lure her out of the house, and I'll hit her over the head with a baseball bat."
"OK, but be careful, she's still my mother."
Turns out the virus is a mutant space virus.
How do we know this?
They show it!
On a microscope!
And it's...animated.
Very poorly, I might add.
No one can act, the FX are bargain basement, the script is just wretched, and the director does not appear to have the skills neccessary to shoot a z-grade commercial, let alone a feature film.
Damnit though, it's FUN.
We're in on the joke.
The actors know it's crap.
Everyone knows it's crap.
Not a bad way to kill 90 minutes.
and it gets......

i still wanna see the last one :)
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