Thursday, June 21, 2007

Just can't stay out of trouble, can you?

Ah...Pacman Jones. What a talent on the football field. The man can cover just about anyone, can run, jump and outplay any reciever in the game.
What he can't do is behave like a civilized human being.
Let's see, 5 arrests, 10 questionings by the police, a strip club shootout that left one man in a wheelchair forever, and a record setting one season suspension by new NFL Commissioner David Goodell.
That was just too harsh for poor Pacman, he cried and whined about how he'd never been convicted of anything, and to suspend the brother for that was just sooooo unfair. Goodell gave him a huge opportunity, clean up your act, and stop all the shit, and you can come back after ten games.
Got that, you stupid ass?
Clean up your act.
Stop the shit.
Is it so damn hard to understand?
Apparently, it is.
On April 20, 2007 he had a full page ad published with his big, heartfelt apology.
He needed to "reorganize his priorities". He needed to "meet the expectations of his fans, coaches, etc on and off the field".
The "first step is to stop making the poor choices".
June 18, 2007.
He's being sought for questioning regarding a shootout near a strip club where "members of his entourage shot at another group's car". At 4 AM. This fine news was followed by the announcment that he will face felony charges for the incident in Vegas.
Has Pacman learned anything?
Not one goddamn thing.
Will he cry and ask forgiveness again?
His forgiveness should be simple.
When the poor guy in the wheelchair can walk again, Pacman can be forgiven.
He can even be given another chance in the NFL.
Not until.
He should be suspended until that day.
He'll be broke, penniless, homeless and probably dead on the streets by gunfire within two years.
It's what he wants, to be a gangster, instead of a human being.
Too bad for this dumbass that most gangsters end up dead.

Speaking of incredibly stupid human beings who play football, Ricky Williams got busted again.
For the FIFTH time. He got a years suspension and got to go be a star in Canada. While the CFL is not exactly as exciting or as well paid as the NFL, in the words of John Matuzak, "it's a helluva lot better than the Egyptian Football League". Here's the interesting take on Ricky's latest bust, it's only the third time he's been busted for marijuana. The other two drug tests were for other banned and illegal things. So he shouldn't be suspended for life because of that little detail. At least according to his laywers.
Jeez, Goodell, throw the fucking bum out forever.
Let him be dead on the street next to Pacman, and maybe we can have real, human beings in the NFL who are responsible to themselves, their teammates and their communities.


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