So WHERE'S the outrage?

By now most of you who can read or listen to and comprehend basic English know that Mark Foley (R-Pervertville) is on his way out as the sick bastard was hitting on young men who served as Congressional pages.
But where's the outrage?
Where's the screaming from the rooftops?
That's right.
It's a Republican who got busted.
So the ol' Family Values people are just keeping their traps shut about it.
Mr. Speaker?
Hmm...Hastert seems more intent on covering his own ass.
Where's ol' George The Unelected Bastard's take on this?
Can't seem to find it.
Rush (The Big Fat Viagra Taking Hypocrite) Limbaugh?
Not a peep.
Bill O'Lielly?
If it had been a DEMOCRAT who got busted?
They'd be screaming themselves hoarse and frothing at the mouth.
Hypocrisy, thy name is Republican.
Hard to believe it was once the party of Lincoln.
GOP=Grand Old Pedophiles
GOP=Grand Old Perverts
...But they forced him out of office. Doesn't that count for anything? I'm trying to think of the last time a Democrat was forced out of office by his own party for disgraceful behavior. Nothing's coming to mind. I mean, plenty of disgraceful behavior is coming to mind, but nada w/r/t the forcing out of office part. Marion Berry was allowed to run as a Democrat after being videotaped smoking crack with a hooker, for crying out loud.
I'm far from enamored with the Republican party, but I don't smell any hypocrisy on this one.
A lot these Republicans were the ones saying Clinton was the devil incarnate for having a consensual sexual relationship with a woman who was an adult, but I don't hear these guys saying ANYthing, let alone the kind of vitriol they spewed about Clinton.
That's the hypocrisy.
And Foley was NOT forced out, he resigned of his own free will.
Congressman "resign of their own free will" just like bands break up because of "creative differences." Foley was forced out by his own party, plain and simple.
I do think anyone who knew about this stuff also needs to go. There the Repubs are being hypocritical.
Re: the Clinton comparison, there's a lot less left to say when the guy's been forced to resign. That's how parties make scandals go away: they force the malfeasant to leave.
I think the bigger issue for me at this time is that Hastert 'knew' of Foley's bad behavior and did nothing to put a stop to it. That is more disturbing to me because he still is in the House and hasn't been ousted.
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