If you like the show, you'll LOVE the book-PART TWO!

OK, I thought the first book in the series was just a great ride through the world of Adrian Monk, and it was. The second one, wow, it's even better.
It seems Natalie Teeger is on her way to Hawaii, for a friend's wedding. She's not sure how to tell Monk she'll be gone for a week and leaves it up until the last minute, only telling Monk the day before she leaves.
Needless to say, Monk tags along (the how of him getting to Hawaii is hilarious), and leaves a trail of mayhem wherever he goes. The hotel is reprimanded for rolling their towels instead of folding them, the inequities of the mini-bar having two candy bars while having ONE of everything else is a cause for near panic by Monk, and the Hawaiian police are in for the surprise of their loves as Monk jumps in (un-asked, of course) to solve a crime.
I'm a huge fan of Monk, and I'll be the first to admit that last season was uneven. There were brilliant episodes, and there were horrible ones. The fix is easy, hire Lee Goldberg to head the writing team!!!! His two Monk novels have been wonderful fun, while giving us some good insights into the characters. We've learned more about Natalie in two books than we learned in all of a season and a half!! We even get development on Dr. Kroger!
Goldberg's got these characters running perfectly, and the episodes he's written have been among the best, so unless it's an issue of availability, it would make sense to have him oversee the writing, and hopefully pen four or five a year. It would also serve to make Monk a long term success.
You hear me, Breckman?
I won't go into spoilers, but let's just say that Monk tackles the case like nobody else would, and a good time is had by all.
Highly recommended!!!
So when does the next Monk novel come out?
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