Wal Mart, a Nazi Corporation?
OK, there's where this story broke.
Wal Mart has a shirt with an exact replica of the Totenkopf Death's Head insignia on it. Charming sort of thing to be selling to our kids, right? Well, you know the money loving whores at Wal Mart would sell their mother's asses if they could make a buck off of it.
This story broke on the NINTH OF GODDAMN NOVEMBER!
The shirts are STILL ON THE SHELVES!!!
Wal Mart says it's a "training issue".
Excuse me, but uh, BULLSHIT!
If I found out my company was selling something like that I'd have every single one torched inside of an hour.
Then I'd have the artist and vendor responsible's guts on a stick for making me look bad.
Then I'd be apologizing like there's no tomorrow to everybody on the damn planet.
Would I stilll have them on the shelves three months later?
Maybe I would.
If I was a Nazi.
If I really thought it was OK to sell the insignia of the most brutal regime to ever rule a country that murdered countless millions.
(No, no, not the USA's brutal murder of Iraqi civillians, I'm talking about Hitler's bunch)
How in the hell do these money loving scumbags SLEEP????

That IS horrifying.
Children are buying this.
Wal Mart wants them to think it's "cool".
Do YOU want to shop at Wal Mart anymore?
I never do because they suck and sell crappy merchandise and screw American workers, but how for love of God can a company SELL THIS SHIT???
Tear off your American flag wrappings Wal Mart, put up your swastika banners, you're a disgrace to this country and a disgrace to everyone who ever fought against the evil that that insignia represents.
Sam is rolling over in his grave.
I find the exec who decided to let these keep being sold, he'll join Sam.
OK, there's where this story broke.
Wal Mart has a shirt with an exact replica of the Totenkopf Death's Head insignia on it. Charming sort of thing to be selling to our kids, right? Well, you know the money loving whores at Wal Mart would sell their mother's asses if they could make a buck off of it.
This story broke on the NINTH OF GODDAMN NOVEMBER!
The shirts are STILL ON THE SHELVES!!!
Wal Mart says it's a "training issue".
Excuse me, but uh, BULLSHIT!
If I found out my company was selling something like that I'd have every single one torched inside of an hour.
Then I'd have the artist and vendor responsible's guts on a stick for making me look bad.
Then I'd be apologizing like there's no tomorrow to everybody on the damn planet.
Would I stilll have them on the shelves three months later?
Maybe I would.
If I was a Nazi.
If I really thought it was OK to sell the insignia of the most brutal regime to ever rule a country that murdered countless millions.
(No, no, not the USA's brutal murder of Iraqi civillians, I'm talking about Hitler's bunch)
How in the hell do these money loving scumbags SLEEP????

That IS horrifying.
Children are buying this.
Wal Mart wants them to think it's "cool".
Do YOU want to shop at Wal Mart anymore?
I never do because they suck and sell crappy merchandise and screw American workers, but how for love of God can a company SELL THIS SHIT???
Tear off your American flag wrappings Wal Mart, put up your swastika banners, you're a disgrace to this country and a disgrace to everyone who ever fought against the evil that that insignia represents.
Sam is rolling over in his grave.
I find the exec who decided to let these keep being sold, he'll join Sam.