Friday, October 20, 2006

Not as smoking hot, but I'm not complaining!

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Katee Sackhoff as Kara Thrace...with LONG hair......
Mr. Moore, if you ever ask her to cut it again for the show, may
you be infested with the fleas of thousand camels.
Or get a big splinter that really stings.
Now the next image!
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Is this, or is it not Katee? Looks amazingly like her.
She has done no endorsements that I know of, but did she
do any modeling before catching a big break on Galactica?
Maybe for stock photography?
Could be.
If the company had a brain cell, they'd ask her to be a spokesperson,
'cause in real life, she's not at all the tough girl she is in Galactica,
she's just simply adorable...I'd buy a phone if she was selling it.

Back to basics, or YOW!!!!!!

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The extremely attractive lass is none other than Nadine Velasquez, but is it just me, or does she have a Susannah Hoffs thing going on in this pic?

Not that it would be a bad thing, mind you, I'm just sayin' is all

Seeing as how it's a Friday and's one to Mitch, just so you can drool all over it...
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(Dunnyman's Castle will NOT be responsible for monitors exploding or shorting out due to uncontrollable drooling or licking!)

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Posting Nazi Strikes Again!

Gotta love this, after seeing how virtually nobody on the ol' DVD Verdict seemed to be outraged about Foley The Pedophile, I posted something similar to my previous post.
As expected, the persons who can't handle dissent evaded and avoided the issue, seeking to blame..

No, wait for it....

they blamed Clinton.
Sooo...being the fair guy I am, asked them why they avoided the issue, and Mr. Nazi Reefa hisself
decided to post my piss off column to the more idiotic members of the Verdict, then he PM'ed me this:

"I didn't care about the OT forum from your "walking away" up until I saw today what you said about me and other JR members. So do you want to take a step back and calm down and retract your 'graphs of member abuse to me via PM, so you can continue to post to your heart's content?"

Threatening me with the removal of my Verdict posting because of something that I said HERE?
Well, seeing as how my original post here was about being threatened to watch my language THERE, and now he's telling me to watch my language HERE?
Hmmm....Mr. Reefa, let me put this in simple-easy-to-understand terms:
THIS, Sir, is MY BLOG, not YOURS, and as long as I obey the rules THERE, you have no business taking me to task for what I say here, and as far as demanding a "retraction" of my posts here?
I'd like you to do something for me, sir.
Kindly sodomize yourself with Louisville Slugger.
Sans lube.

Now have a splendid day.

So WHERE'S the outrage?

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By now most of you who can read or listen to and comprehend basic English know that Mark Foley (R-Pervertville) is on his way out as the sick bastard was hitting on young men who served as Congressional pages.
But where's the outrage?
Where's the screaming from the rooftops?
That's right.
It's a Republican who got busted.
So the ol' Family Values people are just keeping their traps shut about it.
Mr. Speaker?
Hmm...Hastert seems more intent on covering his own ass.
Where's ol' George The Unelected Bastard's take on this?
Can't seem to find it.
Rush (The Big Fat Viagra Taking Hypocrite) Limbaugh?
Not a peep.
Bill O'Lielly?
If it had been a DEMOCRAT who got busted?
They'd be screaming themselves hoarse and frothing at the mouth.
Hypocrisy, thy name is Republican.
Hard to believe it was once the party of Lincoln.
GOP=Grand Old Pedophiles
GOP=Grand Old Perverts