Tuesday, July 15, 2008

OK, I'm sick of all ya rotten little creeps!

Business is pretty solid, and I'm quite thankful for it, but not quite so solid as to completely give up the part time gig.
Shit happens.
Last night pushed me closer to murdering 13 teenagers than I've ever gotten.
HOW, you say, can I get pushed like that?
You've obviously never been a waiter.
This group straggles in, a few at a time, and of course, being assigned to my section, I see many, many more desirable guests get seated elsewhere because these teenagers aren't on time. Kinda makes you a bit frustrated to see good tables with people that you know will tip well going to other sections.
I start off, "Hi! Welcome to Our Restaurant my name is...." and I just give up, because not one of the little punks has even deigned to notice me or acknowledge me in any way. "I know you've got some more people on the way, but can I get some drinks going for those of you that are here now?"
Maybe they're all deaf?
No, they're chattering like monkeys.
Ah, I see, I'mthe help. I'm not supposed to be noticed until the little buggers want something.
"Gimme a strawberry lemonade and some free fries!" "I want ranch with those!" "What do you have that's FREE?" "Get me a chocolate shake!"
Apparently the word please is not in their vocabulary.
They bellow and demand their food, treating me as if the Emancipation Proclamation has never been issued. Some have their drinks as they all came in at different times, and as I'm attempting to go over their order to make sure it's correct, the ones that have already placed their orders ignore me. They've already told the slave what they want, they have no more time for me. Even if I'm trying to ensure they get their order correctly. The ones with drinks loudly demand refills while I'm trying to get the last of the food orders, yelling over their friends, and all the while making as much noise as possible, because, when you are a 12-17 year old, the LOUDER you are, the more fun you're having.
Luckily, my kitchen staff is on top of their game!
Here comes the food!
My food runner asks "Who has the plain cheeseburger with cheddar?"
Whoops, he doesn't know he's the help, I jump to help him,
"That's MINE! Give it to me!"
"Well, I took your order, and you ordered something different"
"What is it?!?!?"
"This a cheeseburger with cheddar cheese that's plain."
"That's not mine."
Exactly, you moronic dipshit. You're 16, and you want your food NOW! Even if it isn't your food, you want it NOW!
We eventually get the cheeseburger to the right person, who, by the way, didn't speak up because she was texting. She wasn't paying the slightest bit of attention to anything else either.
"I wanted lettuce on this!"
Oooh, well, gosh, when I was reading your order back to you, maybe you could have PUT DOWN THE FUCKING CELL PHONE AND LISTENED TO ME????
You might have caught that.
Normally, I'm more than happy to make fixes if we mess up, not in this case, Miss Detached can jolly well not have any lettuce on her burger. The bitch is most likely going to go puke it up anyways. She's gotta be a size -4, no way in hell is she going to eat and digest all of that.
"Give me a strawberry lemonade refill!"
"You're drinking water, you didn't order a strawberry lemonade."
"Yeah, but she gets free refills! I want hers!"
"Well, the bottomless beverages are for one person only. if you're "taking over", that's um, stealing and trying to cheat the system."
"Oh, I didn't know."
Yeah, right, you little shit. You didn't know. I'll believe that just like Bush knew Saddam had nukes.
The meal continues, they scream, they yell, they demand, and then of course, they ALL have to have separate checks. Possibly maybe all chip in, save the server a little trouble? FUCK THAT. "I want my own check RIGHT NOW! I will not share with ANYONE!"
Well, here you go you little shits, here's your separate checks, all individualized for your pleasure.
"Can we split the onion rings over both of our checks?
"No, you cannot."
"Here, I'm paying for hers anyways."
THEN WHY THE FUCK DID YOU NEED SEPARATE CHECKS?????????? Is it too much fucking trouble to say "Hers and mine go on the same check?"
OK, it looks like they're all paying cash. Swell.
"OK guys, if you're all paying cash, can I have whoever's got closest to exact change to pay first so I don't get wiped out on change?"
One girl opens her wallet to reveal at least 3000.00 in hundreds, a big old stack of them. She fumbles and finds a twenty. Her check is 14.36, OK, not too horrible, and the guy next to her hands me a FUCKING FIFTY. His check is 4.60. Now, this little group of darlings is not going to stiff me,, oh noooo, they'll be more than happy to leave me with bits of change, but can they TELL ME?
Why the hell would they do that?
It might make my job easier.
Every single time I pay cash for anything at a restaurant, I'll say "give me five back" or whatever so the server doesn't have to make perfect change just to have me give it back to them. One of them hands me 11.00 for a check that is 11.49, but tells me her friend is going to give me 12.00 for a check that is 11.59, and I can keep the difference. Except you still owe me money, you stupid bitch. Perhaps when you were texting your little fingers off, you might have used the calculator on your phone? Or been born with a brain that can handle simple math?
I get them all sorted out and with one guy to go, the little prick has been busy, he has folded up his 20 along with his check into this intricate, interlocking folding design that is no bigger than a thumbtack.
"Here you go!" he says with a smirk. "Enjoy your money!"
I lose it.
"Well, gosh, it's been sooo much fun being yelled at by you kids all night, and then you top off the meal by treating me like this. It makes my job so much easier when punks like you who have never earned a dime in your miserable little lives treat working people like shit. Your mommy and daddy have given you anything you've ever wanted, and you can't even treat your fellow human beings with the slightest respect because you're all a bunch of greedy, self centered jerks. Thank you so much for coming in!"
They shuffle out, on their way to the movies, I'm attempting to cool off outside the back door. They WISELY avoid me.
This is the future of our nation?
These kids?
We are soooooo fucked.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Where, oh where, do I begin?
I've been with these people for 8+ years, and every single day, it gets worse. E-mail doesn't go where it's supposed to, or doesn't go anywhere at all, their servers break down every 15 minutes, every upgrade crashes the system, etc, etc.
I'm switching.
Why the post?
Because this is a classic case of an American company ruining themselves in an effort to save money by outsourcing.
Their call centers for tech support are in Colombia and the Phillipines.
Never been to Colombia, but much of the Phillipines is a dump, with barely literate people, and in many places, no running water or electricity, so they put a tech center there?
Genius, sheer genius.
"Tank you for calling web.com, may I have domain name?"
"Yes, it's greghopper.com"
"Could you repeat dat for me?"
"Yes, it's greghopper.com"
"I sorry, still not get dat, repeat to me"
"I sorry, can you repeat again?"
IT IS GREGHOPPER.COM, GREGHOPPER.COM!!!" (this spoken very slowly)
"Can you spell dat for me?"
"Why yes, it is G-R-E-G-H-O-P-P-E-R.-C-O-M"
"Can you spell dat again?"
Oh, that's right, because until this pinhead got the job at the tech center two weeks ago, she had never used anything more complicated than a goat cart. She also began learning the English language at approximately the same time as she started the job, which means her skills are about equal to my cat's.
Their corporate headquarters is in Atlanta, but unless you personally have God directing the call, you're not getting through to Atlanta. The underlings are directed to keep the customers away from the people that were raised speaking English. Unless of course, you want to BUY something. THEN they'll talk to you, ask them for help with an issue?
"Let me transfer you."
"If you would like to make another call, please hang up and try again..."
Every fucking time.
If anyone knows where their corporate offices are located in Atlanta, please let me know so I can go beat the crap out of these people for their abject stupidity.
Web.com, the biggest joke on the internet!
Avoid them like the plague.

Friday, December 14, 2007


Oh my.
The Mitchell Report is in, and it names a lot of names. Don't fret, Barry Bonds is in there a LOT, and so is Roger the Rocket Clemens, two guys who seemed too good to be true, and were. A lot of the Bonds supporters were saying that their man was being targeted unfairly because the brother was black, but now they can shut the hell up. Roger's as white as they come. And he's every bit as dirty and tainted as Barry! Woohoo! Equal opportunity scumbags!!
Can we just take any records set since, say, 1990, and dump 'em?
And if someone cries and says they were clean?
Tell them they weren't.
Because they looked the other way.
They allowed their teammates to pump up on HGH, steroids, etc, etc.
They never said a word.
Got it?
So can we celebrate our home run single season record holder?
God bless ya, Roger Maris!!
All time homer king?
You still the man, Hammering Hank Aaron!
Kiss my non-steroid induced ass.
Hope you enjoy the shrivelled nutsack.
Now can you overpaid cheating assholes get the hell out of baseball and allow players who play by the rules to be stars?
That will be all.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I'm bored.

I hope to write something one of these days, but right now, I just can't seem to muster up the energy to give a shit.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Un-American, & Anti-Canadian hatred?

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This...gentleman...(because I don't wanna be rude and call him what he really is)...is Gary Bettman, Commissioner of the NHL.
To be brutally honest, he's been a horrible failure. He's changed the rules, gotten rid of tradition (remember the GREAT division names? they're gone now), expanded, expanded again, and expanded again until he had 30 teams, of which 5 or 6 were any good, ruined any TV exposure the league had, had two lockouts, one of which ruined an entire SEASON, helped send two Canadian teams to those noted hotbeds of hockey in Phoenix and Denver, and well, he's ruined the damn game for a lot of people.

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This guy is one of the ones who got good and burned in the new NHL. He's Craig Leipold, the owner of the Nashville Predators. (Remember all those great games throughout hockey history in Nashville? No, because the city has NO hockey history) He estimates he's lost over 70 million dollars running the team. He can't get 14,000 fans a game despite being one of the better teams on the ice. That's because unless it's wearing a cowboy hat and twanging a guitar, no one in Nashville gives a shit. Jim Balsille, the owner of RIM (you know, the guys that make Blackberrys) wants to buy an NHL team very badly. He attempted to buy the Pittsburgh Penguins when no one in their right mind was interested in them, and they had no prospects for a new arena. Bettman and the NHL wanted noooo part of that. "We don't want YOU!" they said. Now Balsille has money, boatloads of it. He can handle the expense of an NHL team just fine. He's also a smart businessman. If you're going to sell a product, you need to be where your CUSTOMERS are. He didn't see Nashville as a great place for hockey. No one goes. No one cares. He did notice that Hamilton, Ontario cares a LOT. Might they be interested in supporting an NHL team?
Apparently they were. Balsille started taking deposits for season tickets and got three to five thousand people to pony up without there being an actual team yet. That's a pretty sure sign of interest.
Enter Gary Bettman.
"You can't MOVE the team you want to buy! Just because you're willing to pay 220 MILLION DOLLARS for something doesn't mean you have ANY rights to it!"
Say what?
Bettman wasn't finished yet. He effectively put the kibosh on the deal and told Balsille he wasn't wanted. Again.
Now, I am not a rich man, nor will I ever likely be one, but I understand business. If you are operating a failing business, as Leipold is, you want to get out, or get a partner, or make drastic changes, like.....location. Balsille knows this, he's made a ton of cash by being smart. Nashville's a loser's marketplace for hockey. Hamilton sounds like a damn good bet for hockey. So why would Bettman wanna wreck that deal? Some say Toronto doesn't want the competition in Ontario. I say that's baloney. They can handle it. You know what I think? It's the fact that Balsille wanted to move them to CANADA.
Where is the NHL's offices located?
New York.
Where's Bettman from?
New York.
New news today: Leipold found buyers! Yep, a group of investors has banded together to buy the Predators to KEEP THEM in that noted hotbed of hockey in Music City. Wowie! Hey, waitaminute, isn't one of the buyers William "Boots" Del Biaggio III? Yes, yes it is. He's the guy who has a standing deal with another hotbed of hockey, Kansas City to move an NHL team there. (Remember all those great historical games in KC? No? Neither does anyone else because no one there gives a shit about hockey, either) Now wasn't the whole problem with Balsille that he wanted to move the team? Apparently it was the fact that it was a move to Canada that was the whole issue.
Small notice here to Mr. Bettman:
You've done everything you can to take away the heritage of the Canadian people and ruin the game they created, loved and have followed passionately for over a hundred goddamn years!!!!
Noted owners of the various NHL teams, please note a REALLY pertinent fact here:
You are businessmen. You're there to make a buck. Due to this clown Bettman's interference in your game, and in operations that are none of his concern, Leipold is selling his team for 193 million. He had a firm offer on the table for 220 million from Balsille. That's right, Bettman cost Leipold TWENTY SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS. How much longer will you allow this bufoon to run the league for?
How much will he cost you?
He's already destroyed your TV deal, ruined the heritage of the game and cost you untold money with lockouts and other assorted stupidities.
Are you going to wait until the NHL is about as prominent as roller derby?
Or will you make a stand and remove this putz from the game once and for all?
You can get a really good guy to take the job, too.
One that knows the game, and will take a common sense approach to it.
I don't know which one, but if his last name's Sutter, he'd be a good bet.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Just can't stay out of trouble, can you?

Ah...Pacman Jones. What a talent on the football field. The man can cover just about anyone, can run, jump and outplay any reciever in the game.
What he can't do is behave like a civilized human being.
Let's see, 5 arrests, 10 questionings by the police, a strip club shootout that left one man in a wheelchair forever, and a record setting one season suspension by new NFL Commissioner David Goodell.
That was just too harsh for poor Pacman, he cried and whined about how he'd never been convicted of anything, and to suspend the brother for that was just sooooo unfair. Goodell gave him a huge opportunity, clean up your act, and stop all the shit, and you can come back after ten games.
Got that, you stupid ass?
Clean up your act.
Stop the shit.
Is it so damn hard to understand?
Apparently, it is.
On April 20, 2007 he had a full page ad published with his big, heartfelt apology.
He needed to "reorganize his priorities". He needed to "meet the expectations of his fans, coaches, etc on and off the field".
The "first step is to stop making the poor choices".
June 18, 2007.
He's being sought for questioning regarding a shootout near a strip club where "members of his entourage shot at another group's car". At 4 AM. This fine news was followed by the announcment that he will face felony charges for the incident in Vegas.
Has Pacman learned anything?
Not one goddamn thing.
Will he cry and ask forgiveness again?
His forgiveness should be simple.
When the poor guy in the wheelchair can walk again, Pacman can be forgiven.
He can even be given another chance in the NFL.
Not until.
He should be suspended until that day.
He'll be broke, penniless, homeless and probably dead on the streets by gunfire within two years.
It's what he wants, to be a gangster, instead of a human being.
Too bad for this dumbass that most gangsters end up dead.

Speaking of incredibly stupid human beings who play football, Ricky Williams got busted again.
For the FIFTH time. He got a years suspension and got to go be a star in Canada. While the CFL is not exactly as exciting or as well paid as the NFL, in the words of John Matuzak, "it's a helluva lot better than the Egyptian Football League". Here's the interesting take on Ricky's latest bust, it's only the third time he's been busted for marijuana. The other two drug tests were for other banned and illegal things. So he shouldn't be suspended for life because of that little detail. At least according to his laywers.
Jeez, Goodell, throw the fucking bum out forever.
Let him be dead on the street next to Pacman, and maybe we can have real, human beings in the NFL who are responsible to themselves, their teammates and their communities.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Wal Mart, a Nazi Corporation?

OK, there's where this story broke.
Wal Mart has a shirt with an exact replica of the Totenkopf Death's Head insignia on it. Charming sort of thing to be selling to our kids, right? Well, you know the money loving whores at Wal Mart would sell their mother's asses if they could make a buck off of it.
This story broke on the NINTH OF GODDAMN NOVEMBER!
The shirts are STILL ON THE SHELVES!!!
Wal Mart says it's a "training issue".
Excuse me, but uh, BULLSHIT!
If I found out my company was selling something like that I'd have every single one torched inside of an hour.
Then I'd have the artist and vendor responsible's guts on a stick for making me look bad.
Then I'd be apologizing like there's no tomorrow to everybody on the damn planet.
Would I stilll have them on the shelves three months later?
Maybe I would.
If I was a Nazi.
If I really thought it was OK to sell the insignia of the most brutal regime to ever rule a country that murdered countless millions.
(No, no, not the USA's brutal murder of Iraqi civillians, I'm talking about Hitler's bunch)
How in the hell do these money loving scumbags SLEEP????
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That IS horrifying.
Children are buying this.
Wal Mart wants them to think it's "cool".
Do YOU want to shop at Wal Mart anymore?
I never do because they suck and sell crappy merchandise and screw American workers, but how for love of God can a company SELL THIS SHIT???
Tear off your American flag wrappings Wal Mart, put up your swastika banners, you're a disgrace to this country and a disgrace to everyone who ever fought against the evil that that insignia represents.
Sam is rolling over in his grave.
I find the exec who decided to let these keep being sold, he'll join Sam.