"If this be treason, make the most of it."

If Nathan Hale was courageous enough to die for liberty.....
So His Exalted Shit-headedness George The Magnificent Asshole Bush I has suspended Habeas Corpus?
And he alone can define who an "enemy combatant" is?
Like, if he doesn't like what you say, you're an "enemy combatant", and it's off to Gitmo with you.
OK, fuck that, I mean, seriously.
This is bullshit.
Ain't what America is all about.
And now I know a LOT of people who are spooked because they've been pretty vocal about ol' Georgie Porgie PorkBarrel W.
Guess what?
I ain't one of them.
According to Chimpy McCokespoon, if I disagree with him, I'm the bad guy.
"If this be treason, make the most of it."
Patrick Henry said it, if you're an American, live by it.....
This is, indeed, pure grade-A Facism by the Bushites, but you know what?
There aren't that many of them.
What kind of an army do they have left after the Iraqi quagmire?
We, my friends, are many.
I will do what I must.
I will speak my mind.
I will never fear.
I will never hide.
What if they come for me?
Let them.
On every box of Remington ammo, it says "The Second Amendment Guarantees The Rest"
I won't go quietly.
They'll fall with me.
And some will say I got what I deserved, but others will see the truth.
They will fight back.
More soldiers will fall with them.
Soon, the soldiers will question why they must die to kill their friends and neighbors.
And then our great nation will be born again as we rise up as one, and restore the America we love.
We outnumber the evil men.
We will win.
My life?
I regret that I have but one to give.
We talk about how this government is disgraceful and wrong and evil, and how the great men who built this nation would be ashamed of it.
Then damnit, don't disgrace their memories!
They all knew they would die if they failed, and many of them knew they would die in course of building this nation.
They didn't fear.
We talk about the sacrifices our ancestors made, as they died in the cause of preserving this nation's freedom when we were attacked.
Then damnit, don't disgrace their memories!
They gave their lives willingly to keep our freedom alive.
They didn't fear.
Many, many people gave their lives to build and preserve this great nation.
If my life is called for to do the same, I can do no less.
I cannot face them in the world after this and say I did not because I was afraid.
I will do what I must.
I will speak my mind.
I will never fear.
I will live free or die.