Ye gods, I'm at the mall (ugh), and I just love all the faux crap people are wearing.
"Bob's Stuffed Beavers-Since 1985"
Wow, If I was, I dunno, 9, I'd think that was cool.
"Woody's Builders-Erecting since 1972"
Oh, yeah, hilarious, if you're in 5th grade.
What is with people's need to have a fake brand plastered all over themselves?
Do they realize it makes them look like idiots?
(Say it with me, Ren style, "You EEDIOT!")
Or there's the geniuses with numbers and non-existent team names.
"Fossil 1954 Football Champs" Which league was that?
The League of Bufoons Who PAY Million Dollar Companies to Advertise for Them?
"Yeah, this shirt is sooo coool! I paid 38 dollars for it at Abercrombie & Fitch! I can't wait to go drive more business their way so I can pay even more next time!!"
I don't buy stuff like that.
I buy colors and style of clothing that I like, and what my friends are currently wearing has zero bearing on my decisions.
I tend to make up my own mind on these matters.
I'm weird that way.
I also loooove the new brands out there, to capitalize on American stupidity and the desire to be "cool".
Oooh, their shop in the mall looks so cool.
They have, like, pictures of surfers and stuff.
Dude. That's like, so rad.
They really go for the surf look, and the kids RUN to buy it.
Gotta have it. No matter what.
It's like California cool, and surfing, and whoa, it's just such a cool place.
Some marketing genius (and I do not use that term lightly) really put one over on the brain dead youth of our nation.
Have you ever BEEN to Hollister, California?
I used to live not too far from it.
It's..oh, I dunno, about 65 miles from water.
It's a roasting hot and truly hellish inferno druing the summer as there's nary a breeze in sight.
In the 100's on a regular basis.
Lovely place to die of heatstroke.
And they've sold it to the kids as this cool, surfer, Santa Cruz-like place via some second rate, sweatshop made clothing.
And the kids can't wait to advertise it for them by paying outrageous prices.
But people identify by what brand they wear.
I see kids that every single item of clothing they have is by Nike or Reebok, or whatever.
Slaves to fashion, and supporters of slavery in other countries where the crap is made.
I can see an item or two here with a logo on it.
Hey, I had an IZOD shirt in high school.
But every single stitch of clothing by one company?
Actually, I did have stuff like that.
Usually from JC Penney's.
I didn't brag about it though.
Now, I do wear some stuff with logos on it.
Logos of things I actually support, know about, and care about.
I'm a Penn State fan. Got a couple of sweatshirts and t-shirts.
Watched almost every game this year.
Loved the Orange Bowl.
I'm Silver & Black when it comes to the pros.
Watched most of the games this year, and have for 30-odd years.
I love the Beatles, and have a number of shirts with the lads on them.
Been a fan since I was 7.
However, I wouldn't wear something that I didn't know about.
I spotted a kid wearing an AC/DC shirt the other day. It was a Back In Black shirt.
Told him it was one of may favorite albums.
He didn't know it was an album.
He didn't know who the BAND was!
Why you wearing a shirt of a band when you don't even know who they are?
It looks cool.
Ye gods.
When I was that age, and you couldn't get the shirts at every store in the world or via the internet, you had to go to the shows to get the shirts.
They were a badge of honor.
You showed your allegiance to your band on your chest.
You lived or died by how cool your taste was.
The kids who went to the 82 Pyromania Def Leppard shows?
The ones that got the Joe Elliot british flag muscle shirts?
They were the coolest kids on the block.
You used to taunt and abuse the kids wearing the Journey shirts. (I still do, btw, they were just lame)
And now kids are wearing the shirts, and they don't even know who the bands are, let alone ever having seen them.
I feeeeeellll ssooooooooo old.